
15 May Medicaid Expansion Round-Up

During the 2016 Presidential campaign and shortly after assuming office, President Trump was adamant about repealing the ACA's provisions for Medicaid expansion. In fact, President Trump and the administrator of The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Seema Verma, are now considering waivers to...

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03 May The Soaring Cost of Drugs for the Medicaid Program

Last month, President Trump delayed presenting his plan to address the soaring costs of prescription drugs. Despite the delay, New York’s Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board (DURB) took it upon themselves to negotiate with drug manufacturers. DURB voted in favor of lowering the price its...

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16 Apr Billions Lost Due To Improper Medicaid Payments

Medicaid is losing billions of dollars from improper payments. According to HHS Agency Financial Reports, improper Medicaid payments reached $30 billion in 2015 and grew to almost $37 billion in 2017. The vast majority of these improper payments were determined to be improper claims payments...

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13 Apr Update on the Virginia Medicaid Expansion Debate

Lawmakers in Virginia were unable to approve the Commonwealth’s biennial spending plan earlier this year; which included provisions for Medicaid Expansion. Due to a divide in Republican support within the House and Senate, the legislators agreed to reconvene for a special session, which took place...

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